Vortex Ministry Launches!

What would this Christmas season look like if massive numbers of people gave up just ONE Christmas present and decided instead to give a gift to someone more in need? This is the idea of GiveUpOne. Will you accept the challenge? Just GiveUpOne. Non-Profits, post a comment about your organization and tell us how we can help. Post a comment about how you have accepted the challenge to GiveUpOne.

Happy Anniversary Honey, Here's A Goat

Holli and I are celebrating our 12 year wedding anniversary today. We always like to celebrate our anniversary by going out for a nice dinner. This year we were planning to go to a steak house for a really good steak or maybe a lobster. My parents have a tradition of sending us some cash inside of an anniversary card, so it makes for a great meal for us.

This year we decided to skip the nice steak house and buy a goat! Yep, I said a goat. So we're not actually getting a goat shipped to our house(although our kids might like that), but we're buying a goat to help support a family that needs it for basic things like food, milk, etc.

Buy your own goat! Try some of these links:

Heifer International

World Vision

Oh yeah, Holli and I are still going to go out for dinner to celebrate the 12 blissful years. We're just going to go somewhere less expensive. After all, the mission is "Just GiveUpONE". It's that easy. What one thing will you give up?


The Liller Family said...

Happy Anniversary guys! And we love the goat!!! Great idea! We're going to discuss with the kids what they'd like to give up to someone in need - I can't wait to hear their answers!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

What a great idea! I talked to a couple over the weekend that went to their Sunday School Christmas party and boat some live stock through this same organization! I am going to talk to Lynk and Alex about giving up one too! Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, should be bought not boat - spell check auto corrected! Ugh!